Abstract submission

Abstract submission is possible until 15 November 2024. Abstracts can be submitted to special sessions or to the general track. The topics of IOMAC can be found in the overview.

Submission guidelines

Abstracts should be 200-500 words and in English. They should clearly outline objectives, methodologies and expected results of the study. They are submitted as plain text; no file upload is necessary. During the submission, keywords must be provided, and authors’ affiliations and email address of the corresponding author must be indicated. In case the abstract is submitted to a special session, the session must be indicated during submission, otherwise the general track must be chosen.

Submission policy

In order for accepted papers to be included in the IOMAC 2025 Proceedings, one of the authors must register and pay the conference fees no later than 31 March 2025. Up to two paper submissions are possible per registered author.

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