Paper submission

Paper guidelines

Papers must be written in English and should be about 6 to 8 pages in length, including all figures, tables, and references. They must strictly follow the IOMAC Word or Latex template:

IOMAC Paper Template Word           IOMAC Paper Template Latex

Each paper must present a clear scientific contribution to the field, e.g., novel insights, approaches, or findings that advance the current state of research and practice. Submitted papers must be original and free of plagiarism. Papers must be submitted in PDF format through the conference’s online submission system until the submission deadline on February 15th, 2025.

All papers will undergo peer review, with the main criteria being scientific novelty and relevance for practitioners within the scope of IOMAC. After the communication of the review results, the final papers can be submitted. Please also note the criteria for the Best Paper Award and the Young Researcher Best Paper Award. An accepted paper is a prerequisite for oral presentation at the conference.

Submission policy

In order for accepted papers to be included in the IOMAC 2025 program and in the proceedings, one of the authors must register and pay the conference fees no later than March 31st, 2025. Up to two paper submissions are possible per registered author.

The final proceedings will be published and available online, and indexed in Scopus. By submitting their paper to IOMAC 2025, authors agree that – upon acceptance – they grant the right to the IOMAC association for publication of the paper in the IOMAC 2025 proceedings, including open access to the paper on the IOMAC website as well as on the online repository HAL.

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